Sunday, May 22, 2011

Joining Me-Made-June

[I'm cross-posting this from my personal blog, Stacyverb.]

Last spring, I was one of the participants in Me-Made-May. This event was the brainchild of the fabulous Zoe from "So, Zo..." and it was a lot of fun. The idea was for bloggers who make their own fashions to wear their own creations every day for a month and document it on their blogs. I enjoyed the challenge of getting my me-made clothes into more frequent rotation in my wardrobe, and I met lots of cool, creative people on the internet during the process.

Now Zoe is organizing another such event, Me-Made-June. I've been debating about whether or not to sign up. With two jobs and various other stresses, my schedule has been overwhelming, so I haven't had time to do any sewing since last fall. Plus, documenting the outfits every day can be time-consuming, which could get tricky since free time is so hard for me to come by right now.

But I've decided to take the plunge. Two things I've been dearly missing lately are blogging and sewing, so I'm hoping Me-Made-June will motivate me to find ways to make both of these things higher priorities in my life again. I might not have time to sew anything new (although surely I can carve out enough time to make at least one new thing...), but at least my existing me-made items can get more action. Plus, jewelry counts! So that takes a bit of pressure off of the sewing.

Let's make it official with the Me-Made-June pledge: 'I, Stacy, of Stacyverb, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-June '11. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment or piece of jewelry each day for the duration of June 2011.'


  1. hmm.. lets see if commenting will work now.

    anyhow, in case it does, I've been looking through your pictures, and I think the photographs of your jewelry are lovely. Two talents in one :)

  2. Hello Stacy! I just got your sweet comments on my blog and wanted to come by say hi and thank you. I'm glad you found me via Vahni of G&G, and look forward in getting to know you too.

    Presently I'm taking a break from my blogroll, but I'll be back in a couple of weeks, so you'll hear more from then, I hope! Take care, Bella Q
    the Citizen Rosebud
